The Silent City
Academic / 2012 / THU Graduation Thesis Design
Advisor : Wei Tseng.
Program: Park、Underground Hospice、Crematorium.
Location: Taichung City, Taiwan.
This graduate architectural project starts with series of hand drawing, it was an attempt to explored the perception of human intuition, especially architecture student. It ends with an underground hospital and park. The scheme was to challenge the preconception of the circulation of human life.In our perception, touch is called [reality], invisible as known as “abstract”. For example: walk in space [building], touching walls and glasses, called [reality], the concept forward, space and space, and so forth, known as abstraction. I defined that the phase of extract the subconscious through drawing and rendering as the ‘actual idea’. The interpretation of invisible concept can be actually seen by our eyes. Memory pulling images generated by forms, the form is attached to memories, those memory fragments will be open, mixed with a new consciousness of integration and interaction penetration. In the drawing, abstract shapes and symbols occupied on the drawing. These traces may not have its meaning, it also not necessarily connect to other drawings. Designing an architectural project, for example: constructing concrete and metal is call [objects] and we believed the [objects] has the energy we put inside. Somehow, the shape of the [objects] may remain the same in the future, but the culture, environment, and thought.